Services for Owners and Asset Managers
IT Asset Management
PnK has developed a service that complements asset managers within the hospitality space. Recognising that technology is a rising capital and operational cost, asset managers need to understand key fundamentals of their operator and brand strategies. However often the investment of a senior commercial IT executive to both challenge and support these strategies is beyond economic viability. By providing a single point of management for all items technology related on a simple monthly fee, our consultants will ask the demanding questions of the operators to ensure that all stakeholders objectives are met.
Operational Auditing
One of the most significant costs within the hospitality sector is people, to deliver the guest experience consistently many systems are in place to optimise the operation of a hotel. However as with any business one size does not always fit all, and with human involvement workarounds appear. It is these work around’s that become part of the unofficial culture and DNA of an operation, often adding additional time and cost into the process. With our experienced team of operational system experts we are able to identify key areas of risk, concerns and opportunities to exploit as part of an operational systems audit.
Due Diligence
The operational real estate sector is facing change, with consumer and corporate behaviours adapting and changing with technology and travel risks, being agile and adaptable to change is paramount. Our consultants have assisted a range of organisations on adapting use of buildings, transitioning management companies and brands, acquisition and disposals and assessing implications for scenario modelling.